From Complications from a Fall...
"Perhaps most convincing is Katie O. Solomon as Lucy, the beloved caretaker. Genuine and empathetic in an empathetic role, she scores in this drama."
"Solomon’s Lucy is practical but vulnerable. The actress perfectly portrays how torn the character is between caring for Elizabeth and being outraged at being fired and accused of stealing. Solomon and Saxvik achingly portray the passion bubbling just beneath the surface."
"And when Lucy arrives, we can see immediately why Elizabeth so loves her: In Solomon’s empathetic hands, Lucy is just as animated and irreverent as Elizabeth; their synergy is magical....It’s quite something to watch how deftly and compassionately Lucy draws Elizabeth into song.."
From The Crucible...
"As Abigail, Katie O. Solomon is the girl we all feared in school, able to put on an angelic face when necessary, but spitting venom if you crossed her."
- Cleveland Scene
"We meet Abigail Williams (an enthralling Katie O. Solomon), the ringleader of the girls...their feigned innocence and collective, contagious malignancy is terrifyingly authentic."
- Cleveland Jewish News
"Katie O. Solomon deserves kudos as Abigail Williams, turning the teenager into a sarcastic, frighteningly vengeful, well, witch. Her voice has a severity that cuts through the air and chills the bone."- Krause's Constructive Criticism
From Bad Panda...
"Marion (Katie O. Solomon) starts out with an eager upbeat approach to having a baby….to the edge of insanity once she gets what she wants only to discover its far from what she thought it would be. Solomon’s outbursts are hilarious and her character’s internal struggle, explicated aloud to the audience is captivating."
"Katie O. Solomon brings an effective spark to the role of Marion, the would-be mama, and she makes imitation panda moves with aplomb."
"Marion is portrayed by an adorably emphatic Katie O. Solomon..."
- Broadway World
From Violet:The Musical...
"Katie O. Solomon played Violet with beaucoup assertiveness, and possessed a beautifully trained voice."- DC Theatre Scene
"...Her voice is smooth and simple..."
- DC Metro Theater Arts
"Musical Scene Stealers", DC Theatre Scene
"Like/Dislike: Katie O. Solomon, actor", Baltimore Sun
Graduate Ensemble of 2016
Showcase was April 25th 2016 at Playwrights Horizon.