
What is Ghost/Light?

Ghost/Light workshop is an 6 week journey designed for creatives who are ready to step into unwavering self-worth and begin the journey of self discovery so that you can uncover who you are and confidently show up in the audition room and your life.

What people are saying about Ghost/Light:

Ghost/Light helped me to sort my self and my sense of being during this awkward time our lives, Katie has the grace and power of wonder woman and has been the mentor I never knew I needed, the secret to this business is how we see ourselves and Katie really helped me to start this journey of radical self love
— -Tsvakirai (Actor/Student)
Ghost/Light opened up for me a process that is so little spoken of, yet so necessary. It created a language of cultivating a sustainable sense of self as an artist.  Without this, times get very dark for an artist without work. I learned so much about myself and what I want from my artist life through this workshop. It gave me many tools that are absolutely necessary for me to move forward (even when the industry is at a standstill).
— Ally (Actor/Creator)
Ghost/Light was a beautifully, well-crafted workshop. At the time of a global pandemic and having just graduated from college with a degree in a field that is unaccessible, I felt lost. Ghost/Light was a challenge for me, however, Katie helped ease me into becoming comfortable with sharing my feelings. She challenged us but also validated us. I am thankful for my opportunity to work with Katie as an instructor and as a friend. She and the other individuals of my group, validated my ideas and helped me feel confident in my decisions for my future. She provided me with a structure when I had left the only one I had known. I will continue to build upon that structure, knowing I have Katie and everyone else in my group behind my back. Thank you, Katie.
— -Justin (Recent Theatre Grad)
Ghost/Light really helped me set artistic and personal goals in a tangible way. The goals I set and things I worked on made me reflect on myself as not only an actress but as a person. I learned to be kinder to myself and others through not only my actions but my mindset.
— -Mackenzie (Actor/Student)
Interested in learning more? Apply below: https://ktosolomon.typeform.com/to/B6Tw5LUo

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